Tameshigiri with Jakub Zeman

The upcoming Saturday (11.11.2017), we will hold in our Dojo a Tameshigiri supervised by Mr. Jakub Zeman, 3rd Dan Tojamaru. Jakub Zeman is prominent euroepan discipe of  Nakagava Sensei, an expert on Japanese swords and recently won a Taikai shuriken, hence he is more than qualified.

If you are interested in Tameshigiri or Japanese martial arts in general, pay our Dojo a visit. There will be a short introduction to technics and there might be a possibility to cut some rolled tatami.

We are looking forward to Saturday. If you would like to join us, please let us know. Sunday training is on regular schedule.

(If you are not entirely sure what Tameshigiri is, you can find out  here(in czech) or there.)