Shuriken throwing training

Next Tuesday, 22nd May 2018, the regular Aikido training is cancelled. We will attend a special training of Shuriken throwing lead by Sensei Jakub Zeman. Jakub Zeman, 4th Dan Tojamarju, is prominent European apprentice of Nakagava Sensei, Japanese Sword scholar and winner of a Taikai shuriken. Please contact us, if you are interested in joining us.

2.3. 2018 Takashi Kuroki in Prague

Following the tradition, we are having a training lead by Sensei Takashi Kuroki 6. dan Aikido Aikikai, 5. dan Iaido at the Friday before the seminar from 18:15. This time it is 2nd March 2018. Looking forward to seeing you there!


There will be an international seminar lead by Sensei Takashi Kuroki 6.dan Aikido Aikikai, 5.dan Iaido at the weekend of 2nd -3rd of December 2017 held in Rakovník. Same as the last time, there will be a special training held at our Dojo in Prague at Friday (1st of December 2017). Therefore, pack your training Gi, weapons and good mood and come to our Dojo for a Friday prelude to the weekend seminar. We are so much looking forward to it!

(Link to the seminar page:

Tameshigiri with Jakub Zeman

The upcoming Saturday (11.11.2017), we will hold in our Dojo a Tameshigiri supervised by Mr. Jakub Zeman, 3rd Dan Tojamaru. Jakub Zeman is prominent euroepan discipe of  Nakagava Sensei, an expert on Japanese swords and recently won a Taikai shuriken, hence he is more than qualified.

If you are interested in Tameshigiri or Japanese martial arts in general, pay our Dojo a visit. There will be a short introduction to technics and there might be a possibility to cut some rolled tatami.

We are looking forward to Saturday. If you would like to join us, please let us know. Sunday training is on regular schedule.

(If you are not entirely sure what Tameshigiri is, you can find out  here(in czech) or there.)

Takashi Kuroki, 6th dan Aikido Aikikai in Prague!

Do a warm-up for international seminar in Pardubice (4.-5.3. 2017) on training under leadership of Sensei Takashi Kuroki 6th dan Aikido Aikikai, 5th dan Iaido in Prague. The training is going to be held in our dojo at Friday 3rd March 2017 from 18:15.

Kuroki-Plakat-2017-03We are looking forward to meeting you at our tatami or at the following seminar in Pardubice!

Aikido club in Prague